|| produced by TheatreSquared | performed November-December 2019 in the West Theatre, Fayetteville AR | directed by Amy Herzberg | scenic design by Martin Andrew | costume design by Ruby Kemph | lighting design by Megan Reilly | photography by Martin Andrew ||
“Of all of the aesthetic elements, I was most impressed with the lighting. Warm and pleasant in the library, gloomy for many moments and flickering when spirits approached.”
“The adaptation that’s running now on the T2 stage is a feast for the senses, making the most of the original’s magic, mystery, and sparkle. It has a towering, intricately detailed set by Martin Andrew…bright and colorful period costumes by Ruby Kemph; a spooky-turned-celebratory lighting design by Megan Reilly; and a rousing holiday music and portentous sound effect score by Tommy Rosati.”
- Fayetteville Flyer, 12/14/2022